jueves, 3 de julio de 2008

Mr. William Blake

Con ganas de POESÍA con mayúsculas, les presento a Mr. BLAKE...

To see the world in a grain of sand,
And Heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour.

He who binds himself to a joy
Does the winged life destroy;
He who kisses joy as it flies
Lives in eternity's sun rise


The tree that moves some to tears of joy
Is in the Eyes of the others only a Green thing
that stands in the way.
Some See Nature all Ridicule & Deformity,
& by these I shall not regulate my proportions;
& Some Scarce see Nature al all.
But to the Eyes of the Man of Imagination,
Nature is Imagination itself.
As a man is, So he Sees.
As the Eye os formed, such are its Powers.